Monday, June 27, 2011

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We Are Just Parallel Lines

Facing the ocean, my eyes hot. Round the red sea, in the quiet of the setting sun, a burning a few cloud and then get back to the original appearance; Street light, YiZhanZhan orange lights and then transfer to the autumn leaves quiet and warmth. Along the highway, is holding these warm lamps, I started... A person, a way, at night.

The sea breeze is very light, kissed leaf of green banana, Holly clusters and sometimes whispers, is the cricket for autumn which singing. Walk quietly, the look like to very far of the place look, see the long road, in busy street, then is always thinking of the front of the unknown, unknown story is in town.

Go to feel lonely, small voice singing on, unknown melody, but feels familiar. Ah, remember like deja vu a person, if if not have, have of reminded of her, also have such singing, but also in the way of the early lanterns. Has a lot of autumn, I'm not used to, a way of man, a person, optional of meditation, the story of a man.

Walk, go to the highway and railway at the intersection of a bridge. Even if no bridge, also know a few guide rails, and railway train after a few know every day. Because every afternoon, I always a person in the next to the railway and watched the trains. This is a freight railway, afternoon when few go car. Every time the train, I just keep the hand, the loud cries of submerged in rushing train, and then a loud long whistle, I don't catch on in the front of the sound up. Through the old iron baluster,

I followed the rusty stains tracks to distant walk, have quietly white clouds, the track your thoughts more and more clearly. The memory of the stone was broken, time polishing pad in the shop on soft place, then connect in forward on the path of the scenery on the way, even if the very lonely, but also grows better.

To the distant place, good free and easy words. If no memory of the road behind shop, no simple beautiful, even if the prosperous scenery, also is doomed to be a very lonely fireworks show.

The way forward, always have staggered. If we hadn't staggered, parallel and I have, you have not lost, with smile to greet me, even simple a "hi", I can understand you sincere blessings. Each other cherish this meet, ok? Because we have been in parallel, occasionally a joint of, is a beautiful memory.

Only God Knows

In the life, I more not with my five senses to contact with the world, but with my intuition to perceive the outside everything. In the process of interaction with others, when many, I'll wood speechless,; Unless I wine strength plumes of my words, and are in truth many also mixes with many nonsense. At this moment, what exactly is the truth if what is nonsense, I cried foul (the so-called drunk heart Ming is also), but the listener is to tell clearly?

Only god knows!!!!! I have a habit of not too good habits, is whether know or not the people who know each other, contact the process, I like to look at the other person's eyes. Eyes are the Windows of the soul, if I want to pass this window to see each other, I think what the heart and screwed up not clear. Anyway, I have such a habit.

Floating clouds grasp of integrity and the sailing clouds, and are a little misty, more Plato type love suspicion. B: yeah, I like, love a person, often not very direct expression of. Even if the wife and I know, is also in the eighty s unit organization weekend party, she invites me to dance. Passive and active, not an absolute. Because the wife was first met, she active; And she was indeed I active pursuit? Emotional night in the moonlight, the gentle must yi yi is unripe brightness; Seven color.

Be sure to do more than men do. I do, which is on the my intuition to judge to pursue to open the heart to time on the girl's footprint. In the heart, I have a sun wukong within the move of the seventy-two change; In the footprint than that I more of the time, of course, is another matter.

Why should that be? Because I'm floating clouds!!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Paper Boat

I am convinced that, after 90 is the true pioneer of the rebellious, is this time against the call. We just use our special writes our way of the growth of the sorrow. We use ferocious and persistent pen, trying to use the most beautiful hieroglyphs, express our inner anger. This kind of complex of an indescribable feeling prompted us, like fish, birds of water to the sky as deeply love with the text. It is the spirit of our homes, the home of the soul.

Then we fell in love with words, fell in love with the lonely, fell in love with the use of leng jun looks, aloof attitude to decorate the star is not strong body and mind. On the surface of the we say we don't care about anything, it doesn't matter what, what all like and oneself have nothing to do. In fact, what we all care about heart. Care about friends sorrow and happiness, happiness and sadness family care, care about life every bit of praise and ridicule. But we definitely don't say, like independent of earth angel, love, super!

If the busy life that everyone can get competitiveness and fighting capacity, so there is no doubt that alone will make a person more profoundly know yourself, analyze yourself. People should start with understanding, just have the self.
 It is a kind of life attitude, a normal social behaviour, a temper, and the knowledge of the self the way of self. A person in the world, people will understand better the value of the self, the more can pay attention to own the meaning of existence. He will be in constant struggle and the muddy trek gradually awake for themselves: and lives. The public like the country and live for a strong, for the people living grandiloquence are mostly stand the test of time. They deceive the public, didn't deceive the heart. Deceive themselves, but didn't deceive god. If people alive just keep lived for others, so whether others don't need us, we have to die? If we have to care for his clothing, food and daily life? Whether it should be like god to win his than it was high, and grand? !!!!!

Man is first for himself, and then there's people live.

Please remember: don't doubt it is not eternal truth.

Lonely mean??????? Love means that reputation but never flattery; Praise highly knowledge but not blind worship; Respect others but never downplaying his; To believe his lonely means, as always; To keep a distance from the disgust; Lonely people fear nothing, because they know that life more than laughter, niaoyuhuaxiang, also have difficult bitter hate, storm. Even without end evening, they will still be on a lonely road JuJu left alone to the figure of belongs to them. Success in the river on the reefs, dances will be touched the lonely AoAn body, borders on them the soul of unyielding.

Lose Is Also A Kind Of Happiness

Everything is split into two, has its disadvantages. It will be the Perfect thing is not possible. Every man has his faults. But you have regret and fail, important is to see how do you go to face and accept this reality, and not let down their depression sigh. We want to walk every step of the good life, must want to have a strong will, down-to-earth spirit. Even if the road ahead is muddy, rugged, full of crisis; Although you in fear and trembling to go forward, also can't avoid occasionally fell on a fall, and even came off. But if you can get up the courage to stand up, walk on and ultimately win always belong to you.

The road of life is long, and if you would only blindly sentimental lose, you will have nothing, only have the ability to enjoy the lost "fun" person, can really taste to the happiness of life. Let themselves under the lost things, maybe you'll feel very pain, that also want oneself to go to bear, others can't replace your is. Hurt and pain is some, it means that you have grown up, mature. Lose, you can cry, can let out, can look for friend pour out... After the rain, and your world will be full of sunshine.

Life, we should enjoy the joy of harvest, also want to enjoy "lose" fun. Lose is a pain, is also a kind of happiness. Because the loss of and you also get in. Losing the sun, we can appreciate the starry skies; Lost their green color, we can get the fruitful golden autumn; Lost the youthful years, we went into the mature life...... Friends, don't feel sorry for lost, the courage to face life, of a strong!

Loneliness of the watchers
Excellence is meant to be lonely, lonely not the body the solitude of mind, but the spirit of the standout, is the thought with disdain gallop!!!!!

-written in front of words

Maybe confusion and helplessness in many historical moment has been the theme of our youth, we was like a group of stray children, in constant fall and stumble in search for the first course. We tried to for now we all struggle and struggle, looking for a good reason, even if it is a false excuse, we also can be in in the comfort of the false get by, throughout his life. But unfortunately, we called the most of the youth. We are all lost generation, then we are doomed to loneliness.

Friday, June 17, 2011

crazy war

Devastate crazy war fierce reaction come over with a shout, he doesn't believe in so many eyes, this only dead cat still have a chance to escape. Centaurus is striker gave a name department high movement. Four legs but put in there.
All people are angry, his playing hard things, such by a strangers plunder. The collective to catch up with the chase, will be performed quickly release investigative investigation technique, the oath to the black cat out from invisibility. Even the dragon tortoise can solve, a small black cat again calculate what
Almost all people think so. They've been just huge victory lost mind, don't think what they invincible.
Behold then, king injury-free every, stopped right hand all the anger, roar to shout: "all give me back! Don't chase. Chase also useless, you who can play him? Or that a group of people can dozen? Don't forget the shadow city there had what! Well, the black cat or is honest, just take the same. You know, is now these equipment Spaces around high-rise flats upon him. He also to it all, you also have no a way."
The Kings injury-free all and in comfort comfort yourself. Otherwise, his lungs were definitely not explode.
This call what thing!
But he still remain calm, remember now still in black cat out of revenge period announced three days. He now is interrupted tooth also can only move belly swallowing.
Revenge revenge, of course, is what makes you uncomfortable, made something to. Also can calculate their bad luck. Just curious what he is to come when, or simply start lurking nearby.
Walk towards Boss bodies, picking up dragon tortoise as voluptuous scroll kind of objects.
Destroy god fire coming up anger say: "ah injury, isn't the things so calculate!"
The Kings without injury to give his hand scroll: "we really want to have the taxi alliance, I also saw a five or six a purple outfit, you still want? Experience? Is also more practice up sooner or later than we now, what can be more important on the things worth?"?
"No but!" King face a cold, injury-free back hand become om the sea, "don't you think a person carried to the highest, again let him fall off, direct fell dead, would be more interesting?"
Listen to king injury-free say so, destroy god fire and cast over blood fury crazy war also only calculate. And devastate crazy war still head jar voice jar spirit of half-joking way: "you this smelly bastard, maybe you think what bad idea."
"My that task, and decorate finish quickly also had arranged to destroy a person down., we must first destroy his foundation, and all he can rely on things. Wait me to change your job success, black cat this first one seat... sat soon."
"What, then difficult serial task you also want done!" Destroy god fire listen to he said so, appalled unceasingly. The task is hardly the person do.
"Don't you think I would joke like that person?

water is several

Dragon tortoise water is several times to attack, so manipulate these war machinery ten individuals war machinery or live securely.
Not gibberish, direct a violent past, a strike killed one moment seconds.
"Black cat appear!" One other person in time to below the alarm.
Exposure is inevitable things, they a also ran off is also inevitable things.
"Hurry attack! Don't let black cat over robbed."
Shadow city he chutian the damage to each saw people leave a myth. Hear black suddenly appeared here, king injury-free first thought is hurriedly Boss solved.
If really let him come to rob, then Boss who is ZhiBuDing belong also.
But they don't know what they do, just to be on the digitisation of chutian.
Don't go down to rob, or make a pair of rob gesture. The top ten men Cardiff, and add ten tackle all SINS points.
King would god supreme suddenly, fierce remember that strange scene ahead. Frightened yell: "hurry stop! Don't dozen!"
It's a pity that he still shout a bit late, when king injury-free strike hammer blow away the dragons turtle finally HP, great body crashing down.
But... No one person blink upgrade the golden.
King of rigidity kneeling on a supreme legs, two eyes a black several desire to faint to say: "be over."
But it is incomplete and that black cats that weird figure suddenly blink, remove walked one, after what items in their sight again disappeared.
"I depend him a dead cat, to I pursue! So many people he also dare to rob."